Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Amidst Cheers, They Marched to War

During the research for my last book, Preston on Stour: A Two Thousand Year History, I came across dozens of stories of people who had served on the frontline in many conflicts, and many more of people who had done sterling work on the home front. This became the subject of my new book.

Amidst Cheers, They Marched to War tells the stories of the Warwickshire villages of Preston on Stour, Atherstone on Stour, Whitchurch and Alderminster, and the impact of a hundred years of warfare on their communities.

Their men lie in graves in France, India, Iraq, Burma, South Africa and many other places besides. Some are remembered in perpetuity. Others are not.
None of those touched by war returned home the same. Physically and emotionally, their lives were changed forever, for better or for worse.

RAF Atherstone on Stour was built as a bomber training airfield during the Second World War. Several thousand aircrews were trained on this site. Many were just eighteen or nineteen, away from home for the first time. For many, their home was Canada. They had volunteered to aid Britain in their fight against the Nazis.
44% of bomber crews didn't survive the war. Training accidents and the endless gauntlet of missions over occupied Europe claimed endless lives. This book is a testimonial of those who served at RAF Atherstone.

This book is a tribute to all those who have served in the armed forces and all those whose lives have been touched by war.

Available online Here
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